Amy Tenderich, Diabetes Mine blog, is the host for this week’s Grand Rounds. You can read this week’s edition here.
Welcome to Grand Rounds, Vol. 8, No. 9, the 2011 Thanksgiving edition of the weekly summary of the best health and medical blog posts on the web. Many thanks to the organizers at Get Better Health for inviting us to host!In a world where major economies are imploding and a climate catastrophe seems impending, there is still much to be thankful for — especially in the arena of health and medicine, where technology is empowering a revolution of sorts in hospitals, clinics and doctors’ offices, and in patients’ everyday lives.What We’re Collectively Thankful for, from all around the med-blogosphere:Last week’s host, Alvaro Fernandez at Sharp Brains, is thankful that everyone contributing to and reading Grand Rounds has a human brain (no bots, we hope!), and thankful that the human brain is not fully pre-wired. .….
H/T to @gastromom for the link to this Huffington Post article by Dr. Rebecca Palacios: Learning to Cook and Cooking to Learn The holidays offer wonderful opportunities to create learning experiences for children that center around cooking. These experiences are especially powerful because they involve all of the senses: smelling, tasting, touching, hearing, and seeing -- which is one reason that memories created in the kitchen can last a lifetime! With a little thought and preparation, you can use this time to build important understandings and skills in literacy, mathematics, science, health, and even art. ……….
H/T to @doctorwes for alerting me to this WSJ article: Doctor Revolt Shakes Disability Program. His link required a subscription for full access, but @MDBuyline sent me a tweet with a link to full article. I’m still thinking about it (as this is the work I am now doing), but my initial reaction is that the article is selectively biased. The graphics with the article are impress though – take this one for example (check out the interactive map here)
See how the percentage of residents ages 18 to 64 receiving disability benefits has changed in each state since 2001.
H/T to @sandnsurf for this tweet with link: “Cool... Free e-book: Oh Doctor, The Places You Will Go... Precious Bodily Fluids”
…….a parody of Dr Seuss' classic Oh, the Places You'll Go!It is a candid look at the journey people make in order to become doctors. I found it charming. Go download it. .…….
How about a book review by @medicallessons: ‘Cutting For Stone,’ and Considering the Experience of Practicing Medicine
A short note on Cutting for Stone, a novel I’ve just read by Dr. Abraham Verghese. He’s an expert clinician and professor at Stanford. The author uses rich language to detail aspects of Ethiopian history, medicine and quirks of human nature. The book’s a bit long but a page-turner, like some lives, taking a strange and sometimes unexpected course.For today I thought I’d mention one passage that haunts me. …….…….
The Alliance for American Quilts received 119 quilts for it’s 2011 "Alliances: People, Patterns, Passion" contest. You can see all the quilts here. My entry was “Redwork Quilt” and is included in this week’s (Week Two --Mon, Nov. 21- Mon, Nov. 28) quilts being auctioned off on eBay.
All contest quilts will be auctioned via eBay starting on Monday, November 14, 2011 and ending December 12, 2011. All proceeds will support the AAQ and its projects. ….
Week TWO auction guide: Monday, November 21 - Monday, November 28 ……
New this year: "Alliances" contest artist's were offered the chance to record their artist's statements thanks to the generous services of AAQ Business member, VoiceQuilt, visit them at
What a great cooking article! I just binged on the poorm.d. comics. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Ramona, Thanks so much for the shout-out, and for your continued generosity in so many realms. Best wishes for the holiday, Elaine
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