I accumulate a lot of fabric scraps over time as I have trouble throwing them away. Over the past few months I have been trying to use some of them up. This baby quilt is 36 in X 36 in. It is machine pieced and quilted.

I am a plastic surgeon in Little Rock, AR. I used to "suture for a living", I continue "to live to sew". These days most of my sewing is piecing quilts. I love the patterns and interplay of the fabric color. I would like to explore writing about medical/surgical topics as well as sewing/quilting topics. I will do my best to make sure both are represented accurately as I share with both colleagues and the general public.
This is another spectacular quilt. It even uses my favourite fabric - the multi-coloured stripey one. In fact, I'd be hard-pushed to single out just one fabric it's soooo lovely. I love being able to boast such an extraordinary friend :)
These are great!
You can always donate old fabric scraps to my kids old school - Arkansas River Valley Montessori on N. Pierce. The primary class (three to five year olds) sew buttons on small fabric squares - my kids sew better than me! When Cecelia got older, she started making cute patterns with the buttons - I have some of my favorites on my bulletin board at work.
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