This quilt has been a WIP off and on for years. I purchased the butterfly blocks more than 15 yrs ago as a quilt top. I wish I have taken a photo of the quilt top for documentation purposes, but alas I did not. The blocks were set together with blocks of yellow fabric like this photo shows which I did not find flattering. I undid the quilt and set the blocks aside -- 16 of them, though I have only used 12 in this quilt. I like these fabrics, just not with the butterflies.

Soon after I sketched out a new setting which is close to what I have actually used. I found the fabrics I wanted to use -- a dark blue with red roses for the sashing which I have since used in other projects and a beige floral with red, blue, and green which I used for other projects saving some for this one. Unfortunately, I did not save enough and had to "make do" with another fabric for two of the blocks. I have finished piecing the quilt top, made the quilt sandwich of top/batting/backing, and have begun the marking and quilting.
I will mark more area than I can quilt with one bobbin of thread, do that quilting, then mark more. I do this when I have to use chalk marking (for the dark areas) as I find it fades too much if I mark too far ahead.