This one is a slouch hat knit using Intuitive by Julia Zahle. The yarn is Paton’s Classic wool.

This one is adult size knit using Noro spiral one-skein hat by Manuèle Ducret. The yarn is Vanna’s Choice. I may give it to one of my nieces.
I am a plastic surgeon in Little Rock, AR. I used to "suture for a living", I continue "to live to sew". These days most of my sewing is piecing quilts. I love the patterns and interplay of the fabric color. I would like to explore writing about medical/surgical topics as well as sewing/quilting topics. I will do my best to make sure both are represented accurately as I share with both colleagues and the general public.
I have finished this small charm quilt! It is approximately 42 in X 54 in. It is machine pieced and quilted.
I thought that since the quilt was only 42 in wide that I wouldn't need to piece the back. After all most fabric these days are at least 45 in wide. Mine wasn't quite wide enough by about 1 in, so I sewed a single strip along one side.
I still have to add the label. I haven't decided what to do with this one. I may donate it to the Alzheimer's Study Quilt Program or save it in reserve for when a friend/acquaintance needs one.