Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Reconstruction of the Burned Hand – an article review

Updated 3/2017-- all links removed (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active. 

Going through a stack of journals that have piled up, I noticed a nice little article (full reference below) discussing reconstruction of the burned hand.  It’s a short, seven page article full of information.
Early treatment and aggressive management are critical to restoring optimal hand function following burn injury. It has been shown that an early, multidisciplinary approach to the care of the burned hand has led to a successful outcome in 97 percent of patients with superficial injuries and 81 percent of patients with deep dermal burns.
Early treatment is important for the best outcomes with burned hands.  If there is any question of degree or severity, refer hand burns to a burn center or specialist.
The article notes the various burned hand deformities can be classified into the following categories:
(1) hypertrophic burn scars and burn scar contractures
(2) claw deformity
(3) web space deformity
(4) the severely burned hand which may involve
many deformities simultaneously
The article discusses each of these malformations individually along with their management and reconstructive options.  This article is worth your time to read and reread.

Reconstruction of the Burned Hand; Kreymerman, Peter A.; Andres, Lewis A.; Lucas, Heather D.; Silverman, Anna L.; Smith, Anthony A.; Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 127(2):752-759, February 2011; doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3181fed7c1

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