Friday, March 29, 2013
Progress Notes -- WIPs

Friday, March 22, 2013
Step Baby Quilt --- WIP
Each block features something of interest -- a robot, a dog, a cat, a girl, etc.
Now I have to do the quilting.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Sunburst Finished!
The back before I added the sleeve and label. It is easier to see that I used orange thread to quilt some areas and white to quilt others.
Another view of the back
Friday, March 8, 2013
Baby Jacket
This baby jacket is for a friend's first grandbaby. The baby shower is this Sunday. It is made using this garment with traditional embroidery from India that her daughter (the aunt-to-be) gave to me to use in a quilt or something. Here is the front and sides which would wrap towards the back laid out flat.
And this is the back or as you see the inside of the garment (the back is really open).
I folded the garment in half long-wise. Then using the Simplicity pattern 2900 I laid out the one pattern piece. The jacket is lined with white cotton flannel. I used bias binding along the sleeves and around the jacket to add a “pop” back. Believe me it looks much better with the red binding than without it.
Here is the back. I love how it turned out.
I think the baby's mother and grandmother will like the jacket.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Sunburst --- WIP
I drafted the above pattern out on freezer paper with 20 triangles in the circle area and minus the feathers on the outer star points. I wasn’t happy with the outer 8 points and changed them to 20 points. So my pattern now had 20 inner points/rays and 20 outer points/rays. Over the next week I played with laying out fabrics trying to decide on the color palette.
I carefully numbered each piece prior to cutting them out. This small quilt I hand pieced to try to make sure the points were as sharp as possible.
Here is the hand-pieced quilt top. I plan to machine quilt it.