Saturday, April 26, 2008


Earlier this week as I was trying to leave for work my dog tried to leave with me. He is a large chocolate Labrador named Rusty. A 5 year old male who hates storms. We have had quite a few of those this spring including one just a half hour prior to my attempt to leave the house. He had not calmed back down.
I got out the house fine, but each time I tried to slip through the gate he beat me. I tried three times then I tried a different tack.
Rusty and I often play "hide and seek". I hide and he seeks. So I darted back towards the house while he was still at the gate. I went in the front door, locked it behind myself, and quickly walked to the back door. I heard him come through the dog door of the laundry room as I slipped out the back door. I made it out the back gate as he came back through the dog door.
Now that I was outside the fence I could walk to my car. He runs back around the house and cries, just cries. I got in my car and headed to the surgery center. He sat as the gate and cried.
Poor Rusty just hates storms, but by the time I returned home the weather was calm and so was he. We had ourselves a nice long walk together.


ER's Mom said...

Aren't labs awesome? We have a black lab who is the best dog with the kids.

rlbates said...

I think so, but I may be biased. :)

Dr. Val said...

Aw... so sad to see the doggie cry!

rlbates said...

It is, Val, but he is pretty spoiled. :)

Anonymous said...

Aw, poor Rusty -- he looks stricken. What a sorrowful doggie face.A worried soul. Very handsome. Hope the stormy season is over soon!

rlbates said...

I hope it is too. Rain without thunder and lightning doesn't bother him.

mark's tails said...

My cat is the same way. Luckily our Lab isn't phased by thunder. As a teenager we had a dog afraid of storms. The vet said the next time there was a storm to try and start playing with her. So the next time it stormed my sister and I got her favorite toy and staring running around the house. Whenever it would thunder we would jump around, and throw her toy back and forth. Eventually she came and joined the fun. It took a few storms but eventually she thought it was playtime whenever it rained.

rlbates said...

Thanks Mark. I'll give it a try.

Chrysalis said...

That would just kill me, to have to leave him. I can't even look in the window as I'm pulling out to go to work. The site of that sad face in the window just makes me want to cry.