Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shout Outs

Updated 3/2017-- photos and all links (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active. 

Dr. Elaine Schattner, Medical Lessons, is the host for this week’s Grand Rounds. You can read this week’s virtual tour edition here (photo credit).
Live, from New York, it’s med-​​blog Grand Rounds, volume 7, number 43!
As I’m staying home for the summer, I’ve asked bloggers to share images of where they’re from, or where they go, so we could take a virtual tour together:
We’ll start with a post from the Wash­ington, DC-​​based Pre­pared Patient Forum, where Jessie Gruman clar­ifies that Engagement Does Not Mean Com­pliance. As Jessie says, “I am com­pliant if I do what my doctor tells me to do. I am engaged, on the other hand, when I actively par­tic­ipate in the process of solving my health problems.”  ……….
Peggy, TBTAM, has a great post on How to Save Money on Birth Control (photo credit)
If you live in New Hampshire, or some other state that is withdrawing Planned Parenthood funding, you may need to find an alternate source of affordable birth control, at least until the states get their heads screwed back on straight. In the meantime, please, don’t stop your birth control because you think you can’t afford it - the costs of not using it are much, much higher…………
H/T to @KaveyF for this tweet “Good god! RT @52Betty: Wow, this gallery of past tampon ads is fascinating...the one with the dangling fish....really?? http://is.gd/EHrNht?”
And, yes, I’m old enough to have used sanitary belts.  (photo credit)
Robert W. West, Jr., PhD wrote an guest blog post for KevinMD:  Female physicians on Twitter
I delivered a keynote presentation a few weeks ago entitled “Personalized Medicine: Tailoring Healthcare in the Information Age” to a group of parents who had taken their kids to the Bristol-Myers Squibb Science Horizons summer science camp. ………….
That said, below is a list of female docs who are currently engaged in social media, at least via Twitter, and in many instances, through other social media channels, including blogs. In each case their respective Twitter handle is provided for easy reference (often, additional information, such as a blog link, can be obtained by visiting the respective Twitter page).  …...  The order shown provides no indication of either personal or professional qualification.…….
H/T to @masseyeandear for the link to EyeWorld Mobi’s interview of Dr. Claes Dohlman by Dr. Bonnie An Henderson:  CATARACT -- Innovations and advice from Claes Dohlman, M.D. (photo credit)
This month's cover feature is on femtosecond laser refractive cataract surgery. This new technology has the potential of dramatically changing the manner in which cataract surgery is performed. How are such innovative ideas developed? Many ophthalmologists may have a new idea for an instrument but do not know how to pursue the idea. I interviewed Claes Dohlman, M.D., professor of ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, and chair emeritus, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, who pioneered numerous innovations in cataract and corneal surgery, including a well-functioning keratoprosthesis. He shared some advice on how to take an idea and develop it into a product. . …..
An article in the July edition of Plastic Surgery Practice outlines the smart phone apps related to plastic surgery:  There Are a Lot of Apps for That (by Wendy Lewis)
Apps rule the world of smartphones, and the world of plastic surgery has certainly taken notice and jumped on this trend. ……
Most of the apps designed for consumers range from free to $1.99 to download to an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad, but some tools designed for surgeons may run into the hundreds of dollars.   ……….
This growing category of apps gives prospective aesthetic patients a lot of information. One might argue that some of these apps give patients too much information, such as the ability to digitally morph photos of their faces and bodies into a desired state of perfection that may not be physically possible even using a scalpel or syringe.
Now, in no particular order .…..
Chimecco Kinetic Sculpture (photo credit)
Chimecco is an interactive instrument and kinetic sculpture by artist, architect, and designer Mark Nixon, which was recently exhibited at Sculpture by the Sea in Aarhus Denmark …..

1 comment:

Margaret Polaneczky, MD (aka TBTAM) said...

Thanks for the shout out!

Have a great weekend and try to stay cool (it's a scorcher here..)