My paternal grandmother pieced this quilt. She pieced quilt tops for all of the grandkids. Mine was a log cabin which I'll show you in a few weeks. This was an extra one, I won the draw. It has the names of all her children and their children, some friends (or else family member I don't know), and towns in the area embroidered on it. She also put some Bible verse on the quilt. I would love to know why these verses meant enough to her to put them on the quilt. She died August 1981, early in my senior year in medical school, from peritoneal carcinomatosis. She didn't have much trust in doctors/hospitals, so when she finally sought help and surgery was done, it was an open and then close. Her abdomen was completely seeded with tumor. My Aunt Earlene doesn't know what the primary was and her death certificate doesn't say either.
Anyway, I love the quilt. It measures 67 in X 91 in.
Here's the one with my name (mispelled-- Romona).
and this one is my dad’s block
and this has my brother John’s and sister Susan’s names
In our family there were two Randy’s, my brother and a cousin (younger, often referred to as little Randy). My grandmother put my brother with our Mom (the yellow block) and my cousin with one of his sister’s (the blue block),
These next three contain Bible verses. As mentioned above, I would love to know why she choses them.
and this (Mark 13:18)
and this (Matthew 22: 14)

Oh Ramona! I LOVE this one so much!
One of my favorites because it is so personalized and I love that she incorporated Bible verses.
I'd like to know why she chose those verses too. Good ones. I just read the one about winter - discussing end times. But I didn't read it in Mark was either Matthew 24 or Luke 21. ha! or I am so tired right now - I have that wrong. :)
And I like the colors and materials used.
What an heirloom!
Thanks for sharing this.
I just had to comment again because I am looking at the quilt on son's computer and he has a newer screen. I'm still using the big cream Dinosaur monitor. :) And everything looks darker.
I really love the turquoise and yellow (goon is written on it) and would be a BEAUTIFUL baby quilt! All quilts are beautiful and speak to us differently ..but those two colors
And I again have to say ...I love the idea of permanent marker personalize ..leave a lasting message.
You have all these great ideas for quilting your tee shirts - memories you and your husband share and others. But I didn't realize you could write on it.
I don't sew ...but it almost causes me to want to quilt. It could be a quilt that chronicles a life ...cute baby sentences ...achievements ...or family events. But ...the names of family - most important. :) I would definitely choose special verses. Could be themed. but you know all this ..of course. Sorry so long Ramona - just moved and in awe of this quilt. You do have a treasure there.
Have a wonderful day! :)
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