Updated 3/2017--photos and all links (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active.
Dr. Jen Dyer, Endogoddess, is hosting this week’s Grand Rounds. You can read this week’s edition here.
I am a total news junkie and always have been (which is probably why I started out college as a journalism major before deciding that I wanted to be a doctor). So, this week's edition of Grand Rounds features the news themes of the prior week and their relationship to health: politics, football fever, the power of facebook, red heart disease awareness, and the impact of pink. ...….
Head’s up: @drjohnm is asking for posts for next week’s edition of Grand Rounds which he will be hosting. Here’s his tweet:
Dear Med Bloggers: Please send me your posts for the Valentine's day version of @grandrounds http://ow.ly/8Xmze
Updated 3/2017--photos and all links removed as many no longer active.
Thank you
@tbtam for the information in your post: Alternatives to Komen for Channeling Your Dollars & Energy to Fight Breast Cancer:
One option, of course, is to give to Planned Parenthood, The other option is to donate to one of the other charities on the front lines in the battle against breast cancer. Komen, after all, is not the only game in town.
Here are a few other places where your dollars will be put to good use fighting breast cancer. All of the following groups get high ratings from the American Institute of Philanthroy and/or Charity Navigator-……..
White Coat is attempting to shine light on the issue of Amanda Trujillo:
I finally took the time to read some other blogs today. One of the issues that I found disturbing was the case of Amanda Trujillo…………….
I’ve tweeted to Amanda to contact me …..
I’ll request the patient’s permission for release of the patient’s medical records from the hospital. ….
And I’ll get the name of the surgeon who allegedly does not take the legal doctrine of informed consent too seriously and who allegedly uses temper tantrums as a means to bully people into submission. Maybe we can look into his background a little. If he did have a “tantrum” in a patient care area, has the hospital investigated him for his conduct?
Everything will be published here.
And if ends up that Amanda was wrong for what she did I’ll publish that as well.
A New York Times article by Melissa Greene: Wonder Dog
In May 1999, Donnie Kanter Winokur, 43, a writer and multimedia producer, and her husband, Rabbi Harvey Winokur, 49, beheld the son of their dreams, the child infertility denied them. ……………..“Sometime after their 3rd birthdays, our wonderful fairy tale of adopting two Russian babies began to show cracks,” said Donnie Winokur,……….
For children with autism or behavior disorders, dogs were trained in “behavior disruption.” For children with seizure disorder or diabetes or respiratory issues, dogs were trained to alert the parents at the onset of an episode, and there have been a few able to predict the medical incidents 6 to 24 hours in advance. (How they do this is something of a mystery.)…………..

Dogs are so cool! in my humble opinion. There’s the above story and then there’s this one I heard tonight on ABC Evening News which made me think of
my three dogs who died of cancer. I actually called a drug company way back when to see if she qualified for a drug trial. There was no registry then. Oh well. Here’s the story: Canine Cancer Studies Yield Human Insights
Some of the most promising insights into cancer are coming from pet dogs thanks to emerging studies exploring remarkable biological similarities between man and his best friend.
Cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs. Every year, millions of dogs develop lymphomas and malignancies of the bones, blood vessels, skin and breast……………….
Jack Sevey Jr. created the website MyCancerPet.com in January 2011 after his 5-year-old boxer Bull died from T-cell lymphoma. Sevey wanted to create an online community for fellow owners of cancer-stricken pets and also steer them to helpful resources. Those include lists of clinical trials compiled by several organizations: the AKC Canine Health Foundation, Animal Clinical Investigation, the National Cancer Institute's Center for Cancer Research, the Morris Animal Foundation and the Veterinary Cancer Society……………..