Updated 3/2017--all links removed as many no longer active.
Dr. Rob (@doc_rob), More Musings (of a Distractible Kind), is the host for this week’s Grand Rounds. You can read this week’s Grand Rounds Vol 8 No 25: Super Tuesday Edition here.
Welcome to grand rounds, the best around the world of medical blogging!
For those expecting a silly recitation of today’s posts in rhyme, this post will let you down. But don’t be sad, as I have provided with an alternate version of grand rounds on my other blog, Llamaricks, which (if you hadn’t guessed) is not quite as dedicated to the serious side of things.
Since today is “Super Tuesday” ……
Check out Doctor David’s (
blog for as he put it on twitter: the “story I won't forget. Watch the video -- the look on my patient's face says it all.” The post: Music Can Heal
Well, maybe music can't cure cancer, but it can certainly heal the spirit.
Drew Seeley released a new song today that he wrote for my patient.
Watch the video here……
H/T to @tbtam who tweeted this: “ The Before. Sad, beautifully written , perfectly told. We docs have all been there. . jama.ama-assn.org/content/307/9/… (Need JAMA subscript). The link is to an essay by Jennifer Frank, MD: The Before
This is the before. A moment suspended like a bubble floating on a warm summer breeze gently but inevitably toward the ground. I feel the pop coming, an implosion of the very center of your life. Anticipating what this moment would hold, I nevertheless hoped for something different. To be able to eagerly dial your number and shout out the good news to you in a breathless rush. It's not what we thought. It's not cancer.
Instead I take a deep breath, pressing each number slowly, cautiously, drawing out the moment before the burst…………….
Go read Elaine’s (was @medicallessons, now @elaineschattner) new post: Harsh Words, and Women’s Health at Risk
I’ll open with a confession –
Women’s health has never really been at the heart of ML. Your author has, historically, relegated subjects like normal menstruation, healthy pregnancy and reproduction and natural menopause to her gynecologist friends. Sure, I learned about the facts of life. I even studied them in med school and answered questions, some correctly, along the way. By now, I’ve lived through these real life-phases directly. But these topics never drew me. That’s changed now.
Women’s care – and lives, in effect – are jeopardized on three fronts:……………..