Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shout Outs

 Updated 3/2017-- all links (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active. and it was easier than checking each one.

See First is this week's host of Grand Rounds. You can read it here.
Blogs make it possible for these voices to be heard, and we’re very fortunate to have a great variety of blogs and bloggers to feature in this edition of Grand Rounds. These stories and these people need a more prominent place in the public mind, and I’m hopeful I can play a small part in that with this week’s edition.
The submissions this week come from as far away as Australia, South Africa and the UK, and as close to home as my hometown. But on the web these are all local calls, so I’ve categorized the more than 2 dozen submissions this week into a few topics.

Better Health featured a post by Dr Charles Smith on  Ten Tips for Overcoming Your Headaches.  The tips are from my classmate, Dr Lee Archer.  Check them out.
But, there are some really basic things about dealing with chronic headaches that we should never forget to try. So, without further ado, here is his advice:
1. First and foremost, taking pain medication everyday is definitely not a good idea. Daily pain medication tends to perpetuate headaches. This is true for over-the-counter medications like Excedrin and BC powders, as well as prescription medications …….

Dr Isis, On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess, continues "The Letters to Our Daughters Project".
  • Dr Pascale Lane (May 1, 2009)
  • Dr. Barbara Goodman (May 4, 2009)
  • Wendee Holtcamp (May 9, 2009)
  • Janet Stemwedel (May 10, 2009)
  • Dr. Pamela Carmines (May 14, 2009)
  • Dr. Hannah Carey (May 16, 2009)
  • Dr. Hannah Jang-Condell (May 23, 2009)
    Check out MedGadget’s  1800s Surgical Kit – Unboxing (photo credit). 
    To help us on our voyage through the kit, Medgadget has enlisted our friend Dr. Laurie Slater, whose website Phisick showcases a formidable collection of medical and surgical antiques. Being more knowledgeable on such matters than us, he has kindly offered to act as our guide. From the confines of this post / interview, we'll explore the surgical kit, touch on surgery in the 1800s, and get you thinking about the days when you'd probably dress like these gentlemen.

This week Dr Anonymous will be discussing Podcamp Ohio this week.    I hope you will join us. The show begins at 9 pm EST.

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