
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Shout Outs

 Updated 3/2017-- photos and all links removed (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active.

Colorado Health Insurance Insider is the host for this week’s Grand Rounds. You can read this week’s  edition here.
Welcome to the Fall Colors Grand Rounds!  We have several excellent articles from around the healthcare blogosphere for you this week.  Enjoy!
HealthBlawg’s David Harlow recently attended Health 2.0 in San Francisco and provides us with an excellent summary post about the conference. ………….
The 2011 Charles Prize for Poetry Contest deadline for entries has passed.  Now while we await the announcement of the winners I hope you will enjoy reading the many wonderful entries.
H/T to @DrMarkham for her new blog “eating despite cancer.”   The latest post is “i'm on chemo and food doesn't taste right...what can I do?”
The taste of foods often changes for people undergoing chemotherapy. This doesn’t happen to everyone receiving chemotherapy as part of cancer treatment, but it certainly happens to a lot. I’ve seen it happen as early as the first dose of chemotherapy, and it’s become my practice to warn people about this side effect. …….
We aren’t sure why this side effect happens, but there is medical literature to suggest that changes in both the sense of smell and the sense of taste occur with various chemotherapy drugs. The sense of smell is heavily tied into our sense of taste, so an alteration in either can really mess things up……..
The most important rule is to just keep trying. You’ll find something that will work. …..
H/T to @The_Radiologist  for this tweet:  Great R4 piece on antibiotic resistance by @Dr_Stuart was repeated last night. Sobering times ahead.… #medicine
The link will allow you to listen to the 30 minute program which is well worth the time.
I love the idea of self-healing materials!  H/T to @krupali for the link to this BBC news article by Leila Battison:  Bio-inspired plastic self-heals
The development of self-healing materials has surged forward as scientists have taken inspiration from biological systems.
Researchers at the University of Illinois in the US have found a way to pump healing fluids around a material like the circulation of animal's blood.
Materials that could repair themselves as they crack would have uses in civil engineering and construction.  …….
Another great T-shirt!  This one with great advice:
  Available here.
From WebMD:  Slideshow: Surprising Ways Smoking Affects Your Looks and Life (photo credit).  This is the first slide of the series.  Can you pick out the smoker? Make your pick and go check out the rest.
Threads Magazine website has a very nice video (wish I could embed it here, but can’t):  Teach Yourself to Sew 2: Two Great Seam Finishes.  One uses the product Seams Great, the other is the Hong Kong finish.  Burda Style has a nice tutorial on the Hong Kong Binding Seam Finish

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