
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Shout Outs

Updated 3/2017-- photos and all links removed (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active.

There were no takers for hosting this week’s Grand Rounds.  If you would like to be a future host:
… Send an email to Nick Genes (you can find his contact info at and request to be considered as a future host. Include a link to your blog. Host bloggers must have been blogging regularly for at least 6 months, have a health theme, demonstrate good writing skills, professionalism, and respect for scientific medicine. If your blog meets those requirements (and is approved by Nick or Val) they’ll contact you via email to schedule your host date.
If you missed last week’s edition, then check it out.  Dr. Rich, Covert Rationing,  was the host. You can read last week’s edition here.
ZDoggMD will be hosting on September 27th. His theme will be Funny Medical Stuff but he will accept good submissions on almost any medical topic.  You can email submissions to him at zdoggmd (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Dr. Charles is “Calling for Entries in the 2011 Charles Prize for Poetry Contest.”
Announcing the second annual Poetry Contest!
An award will be given to the writer who submits for consideration the most outstanding poem within the realm of health, science, or medicine. ……….
The contest began Wednesday August 31st and ends September 31st, 2011. The winners will be chosen shortly thereafter by an elite group of 8 judges (other doctors, friends with literary training, and select bloggers).  The contest is open to everyone.
In case you missed it, I just want to point you to this lovely post by @doctorwes:  The Flywheel
(With apologies to Harry Chapin)
"Welcome to BA Cardiology Associates, young doctor, we're thrilled you've decided to join us. As you recall, we guarantee your salary for the first several years then when you're practice is established, your salary will be proportional to your productivity. Oh, and if you need anything, just let us know."
A child arrived just the other day. He came to the world in the usual way...
"I had the most amazing case today! His heart rate was so slow..."
"Doctor, we're impressed at how things are going."
He learned to walk while I was away...
"Thanks for helping out……
Kim, Emergiblog, is the host of the latest edition of Change of Shift (September 2011)! You can find the schedule and the COS archives at Emergiblog. (photo credit)
Welcome to the September, 2011 edition of Change of Shift!
This is quite the eclectic selection of posts from across the nursing blogosphere, composed of those submitted for inclusion and those I found in my travels through the neighborhood.
Remember, submissions are always accepted for Change of Shift, there is never a deadline to meet, so don’t hesitate to submit a post at any time.
Let’s begin! …………………….
H/T to @scanman for retweeting this “@JenniferAdaeze: I helped found a Journal of #NarrativeMedicine follow @the_intima & spread the word :) #meded”. 
It will be interesting to follow The Intima, a Journal of Narrative Medicine.  There are sections for poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and art inspired by medicine.  Check out this fictional story by Dana Gage about a medical student struggling with a dying child:  Nightwatch
Rane entered the room hesitantly; she didn’t want to enter at all; she had pleaded with the intern and then to the resident, who just shook his head and said it wasn’t up to him. The Chief Resident had ordered, had insisted upon it, that she see this particular child, work her up. …………
H/T to @evidencematters who alerted me to this Guardian article by Patrick Barkham:  Nazis, needlework and my dad (photo credit)
Not many men belong to a stitching group, but Tony Casdagli picked up his enthusiasm for the craft from his father, who kept himself sane by fashioning subversive messages as a PoW  ………….

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