Updated 3/2017-- photos and all links (except to my own posts) removed
as many are no longer active and it was easier than checking each one.
Dr Wes is the host for this week’s Grand Rounds! You can read this week’s edition here (photo credit).
Welcome to this week's mid-term edition of the medical blog-o-sphere's Grand Rounds! Before we begin, be SURE to get to the polls to VOTE!
This week submissions were classified by state or country of origin. Politically incorrect posts by state were colored RED whereas politically correct posts by state were colored BLUE. (States with both extremes are represented in PURPLE.)
Now what would any political post be without a POLITICAL MAP of the states represented in this week's Grand Rounds? …………….
Kim, Emergiblog, is the host of the latest edition of Change of Shift (Vol 5, No 9)! You can find the schedule and the COS archives at Emergiblog. (photo credit)
Welcome to Change of Shift!
After a Vegas-induced vacation, our nursing blog carnival is back!
There has been lots of activity in the blogosphere over the last four weeks, so let’s get right to the heart of it! ………..
Check out Dr. Rob’s recent House Call Doctor podcast: When Should You Worry About a Nosebleed?
……….Doctors call nosebleeds epistaxis. I’ve mentioned before that doctors like fancy names for things; it just sounds smarter to use a Latin or Greek word. It’s especially good at parties. ……….
As someone who has had many nosebleeds within my life, you may also want to check out my old post from two years ago: Nose Bleeds. Either way, Dr. Rob and I have you covered.
An ethical question comes up regarding the use of social media as noted by @dreamingspires
A Tweeting Hospital and Kidney Patient: The Case of the tweeting Kidney Patient has caused a small whirlpool of a ... http://bit.ly/dfsREG
The original nhssm's posterous blog post: 2nd Case Study - St George's Healthcare NHS Trust and the Tweeting Kidney Patient
From twitter: RT @MargaretAtwood @DrSnit @kidney_boy: Hey, you're famous! http://ow.ly/30LR1. The link is to a Guardian.co.uk article by Esther Addley: Margaret Atwood creates superhero outfits for Twitter avatars
With more than a dozen novels, 17 poetry collections and countless literary awards including the 2000 Man Booker prize to her name, Margaret Atwood's credentials as one of the world's greatest living writers are not in question. ……..in a remarkable exchange over Twitter, which saw the Canadian writer contacting two readers who had expressed admiration for her work, and offering to design "superhero comix costumes" for their avatar alter-egos, @kidney_boy and @DrSnit."[They] both have excellent Twitter names – suitable for superheroes – and were comix fans, and were discussing Comic.con, as I recall," she told the Guardian. ………..
This tweet links to a companion article:
@steve_lieber Some of the @PeriscopeStudio artists (incl. me) have drawn @margaretatwood's Kidney Boy and Dr. Snit. http://periscopestudio.com/?p=3638
The Alliance for American Quilts received 118 quilts for it’s “New from Old Quilt Contest Contest.” You can see all the quilts here. My entry was “Label Me.” The quilts are now being auctioned off.
Click on an auction week below to view or download an auction guide for that week.Week One: Monday, Oct. 25-Monday, Nov. 1Week Two: Monday, Nov.8-Monday, Nov. 15Week Three: Monday,Nov. 15-Monday, Nov. 22Week Four: Monday, Nov. 29-Monday, Dec. 6The bidding for each quilt will start at $50 and each 7-day auction week starts and ends at 9:00 pm Eastern. No Daylight Savings Time changes this year to contend with--DST changes on November 7.All proceeds will support the AAQ and its projects.………………………………….
Dr Anonymous’ show will be follow-up to FMEC Mtg. The show begins at 9 pm EST.
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