
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Shout Outs

Updated 3/2017 -- photos and all links (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active. 

Dr. Elaine Schattner of Medical Lessons is the host for this week’s Grand Rounds. It’s the “customer service in healthcare” edition. You can read this week’s edition here.
Learning about medicine is a lifelong endeavor whether you’re a patient, a doctor, a caregiver, a hospital administrator or, perhaps, even an insurance company executive. In today’s Grand Rounds, we’ve an array of eleven perspectives that, directly or indirectly, bear on the suggested theme of education.
If there’s a motif that emerged unsolicited this week, it’s empathy, a term highlighted in the titles of two submitted posts:
In Glass Hospital, Dr. John Schumann considers what motivates health care workers in a thoughtful post, Finding Empathy. Schumann, an internist and medical educator at the University of Chicago, suggests that doctors and nurses need to re-encounter and re-engage with empathy to continually find meaning in their work………
Keith, Digital Doorway, is the host of the latest edition of Change of Shift (Vol 4, No 26) !   You can find the schedule and the COS archives at Emergiblog. (photo credit)
Well, after a long hiatus, I'm finally hosting Change of Shift once again, and I'm happy to do so from the comfort of our new home here in Santa Fe, New Mexico! (For those of you unfamiliar with Change of Shift, it is a nursing blog carnival wherein nurses from around the blogosphere are featured in an "online magazine" that is hosted on a different nursing blog every two weeks.)
A truly heartwarming story from CNN:  Soprano serenades doctors after lung transplant by Ashley Fantz.
Charity Tillemann-Dick,  27, had a bilateral lung transplant done at Cleveland Clinic in September 2009.  She had been diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension in 2004.  What a beautiful voice!
Jill of All Trades, MD has written a  wonderful post -- 5 “Bueno” Tips on How to Learn Medical Spanish.  She shares how she did so:
…….Thankfully, and perhaps somewhat miraculously, I now very rarely need an interpreter. Seriously, I think the last time I used one was “meses” (months) ago. I cannot even remember when.
So “como” (how) did I do it? Here’s my advice:
1. Find a good medical Spanish book: There are not that many. Buy the best one. And read the entire thing, word-for-word. Underline as you go. Then, re-read the underlined items from the first round. ……….
Jeffrey Parks, MD, otherwise known as Buckeye Surgeon, has written a warning post which you should all read:  What Does Dave Weigel have to do with Sermo?
…….Someone read the post and decided to break protocol. Ultimately, several of his off the record email posts were published for the general public on both the Daily Caller and FishbowlDC. Weigel subsequently resigned his position as a writer/blogger for the Washington Post………
What if someone obtained access to Sermo for nefarious purposes? Perhaps a physician-turned-hospital administrator who went looking for dirt on a trouble-making internist. Or a malpractice attorney who used his brother-in-law's log-on ID to troll for cases……….
I read about Dawn Warmbold recycling plastic bags into sleeping mats for the homeless in my local paper, but their online access is by subscription only.  Fortunately, I found a similar article in the Log Cabin Democrat:  ‘Sleeping mat-ters’ to local group
……..Warmbold has personally created 40 mats and instructed several church groups and organizations on how to create the mats. “The word is spreading like wildfire,” Warmbold said. “The homeless have asked us not to stop making them. There are more homeless than mats to hand out. That’s how much in demand they are.”
Warmbold, also called “the bag lady” has been teaching others how to carry the torch and encouraging them to create circles of their own to produce mats. She created an instructional Youtube video, which has received more than 2,500 views.
The video can be viewed by going to Warmbold’s channel at

Dr Anonymous’ BTR show will be on summer break until late August.

Upcoming shows (9pm ET)
Jul-Aug: Summer Break
8/26: Dr. A Show 3rd Anniversary

1 comment:

  1. Thx so much for the "shout-out," Ramona! I'm glad you found my post enjoyable :) And, wow, what an unbelievable story about the soprano singer after b/l lung transplant, huh?!


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