
Sunday, August 16, 2009

SurgeXperiences 304 – Call for Submissions

Updated 3/2017-- all links (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active. and it was easier than checking each one. 

SurgeXperiences 304 (August 23rd)  will be hosted by Øystein at Sterile Eye.   His suggested theme is “History.”  The deadline for submissions is midnight on Friday, August 21st.  Be sure to submit your post via this form. 
SurgeXperiences is a blog carnival about surgical blogs. It is open to all (surgeon, nurse, anesthesia, patient, etc) who have a surgical blog or article to submit.   If you would like to be the host  in the future, please contact Jeffrey who runs the show here.
Here is the catalog of past SurgeXperiences editions for your reading pleasure.

Here is a list of some of my past posts with a surgical history
Dr. Joseph Murray, Plastic Surgeon & Scientist (Sept 1, 2007)
Paul Brand, MD (1914-2003)  (November 7, 2007)
DeBakey and Cooley (November 27, 2007)
Spare Parts (December 10, 2007)
Dermatomes (May 7, 2008)
The Blalock-Taussig-Thomas Collaboration (July 23, 2008)
How Poland’s Syndrome Was Named (June 25, 2009)

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