
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hawaiian Quilt Lobster Style

 Updated 3/2017 -- photos (except my own) and all links (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active and it was easier than checking each one.

As you can see from the time line in the Twitter messages, the idea for this quilt began more than a month ago.   I went back through the messages too late to find the first one where I believe Theresa (ruraldoctoring) or maybe it was PeggiKaye asked if I had ever seen or made a lobster quilt block.  At the time Zippy was at Theresa’s and was about to head to Hawaii with Happy (Hospitalist). 
@ruraldoctoring I found a lobster quilt block pattern.”   August 25 at 2:42 pm
@rlbates Yay lobster quilt! Maybe put that on your to-do list for someday. Would be a great fundraiser to raffle/auction it off.   August 25 at 3:40 pm
@rlbates I love the Lighthouses and Lobster pattern. It looks like Zippy (not as cute, of course). Not crazy about the background, tho'.   August 25 at 3:47 pm

Lobsters 01:55 PM September 14, 2008 from twitterrific
@ruraldoctoring So true. What do you think of my lobsters? 02:10 PM September 14, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to ruraldoctoring
@rlbates I *LOVE* the lobsters. It looks like a Mexican paper-cut decoration! Love them! 02:13 PM September 14, 2008 from twhirl in reply to rlbates
@rlbates How many quilts do you work on at one time? 02:13 PM September 14, 2008 from twhirl in reply to rlbates
@ruraldoctoring Some times only one & sometimes several. Usually in different stages. It's an Hawaiian appliqué 02:16 PM September 14, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to ruraldoctoring
@rlbates Because you're so productive! I've never quilted, but have been a knitter for years and there are 100s of UFOs in my house! 02:18 PM September 14, 2008 from twhirl in reply to rlbates
@rlbates I love the lobsters. It looks like a cut out snow flake. 02:20 PM September 14, 2008 from web in reply to rlbates
@rlbates did you design that Lobster pattern yourself? 02:56 PM September 14, 2008 from web in reply to rlbates
@Cathy627 Yes, but it is a blend of two patterns. I'll post about it when I get farther along 03:27 PM September 14, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to Cathy627
@rlbates OK. I will look forward to that post. 03:53 PM September 14, 2008 from web in reply to rlbates
So Cathy, here’s the explanation of how I arrived at the pattern.  I enlarged the lobster pattern I found here and then “blended” it into the “Hoya” Hawaiian appliqué block.   The Hoya block I found in a book I have called Hawaiian Quilting by Elizabeth Root.
This is the result. 

Currently, I am prepping the appliqué.  I basted around the pattern and am now using temporary fabric glue to “hold” the turned edges.  The red lobster/hoya appliqué will be sewn onto the blue fabric.

I’m not a fast hand appliquér.  I am toying with the idea of trying to machine appliqué this one.  We’ll see. 
[And by the way, Theresa, there are many UFO’s around my house, too.]


  1. The applique work looks time-consuming. The result looks great though. :)

  2. I can't wait to see!!

    My mother does a machine applique for quilts using a method with lightweight (maybe it washes away??? I'm not sure) fusible material. I know she's explained it to me in the past, but it has been a while. And I'm sure you know a lot more about it than I do.

    Wait...maybe it was a stabilizer underneath? Tears away? I think that was it. How do you do it? That looks so intricate.

    Again, can't wait to see it.

  3. OMG! I wish you the best with the applique block. I am not good at this method but have done small uncomplicated blocks.....LOL....can't wait to see the finished block. Take care.

  4. Oh goodness, you combined two different designs. I could never do this. I can't wait to see this one when all finished. All that applique work would be so time consuming.

    You have a lot of talent for this stuff. I'm not very creative. I can follow instructions and a pattern for crafts but someone else has to do the designing.

    I will be looking for your updates on how this is going.

  5. Wow - you are so talented! FYI, your quilt has been with daughter all day today (her first day in our custody). She is warm and happy under it!

  6. Thank you, FD. I'm so happy for you and your new daughter and entire family!


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