
Sunday, July 6, 2008

SurgeXperiences 2nd Season Begins!

Updated 3/2017-- photos and all links removed as many are no longer active.

The first edition of a new season of SurgeXperiences (201) is up over at Monash Medical Student. And the "gold star" goes to Jeffrey for a well done edition.
Jeffrey begins the season with the season with an edition in which he tried to focus on how we should/can strive to do better. I hope you will check out.
I think we all have a desire to be better at what we do. For the doctors in the medical profession, it probably started with that incessant drive for excellence in pre-med years. We do our best to get into medical school. In medical school, we aim to do well. If we graduated top of the class, even better. We try to boost our CVs to attain a favourable match for residency positions. Then we aim to be the Chief Resident. Get to the most prestigious fellowship program. Set up and maintain the most profitable practice. This is a gross generalization, but i think we all have an innate desire to do better. For one reason or other…
I guess we all have this desire to do better in whatever we do. It boils down to whether we care enough to make that extra effort, to stay that extra hour, to do that extra thing, etc. Similarly, i suppose we can all do better in this whole surgical grand rounds/carnival thing! Click the extra click to submit your posts via the carnival form! Do the extra reading and organizing as a host. Besides, its fun and enriching. Previous hosts can attest!
The next edition will be hosted here by me on July 20th. Submissions are due by midnight Friday, July 18th. Please, remember that SurgeXperiences is a blog carnival about surgical posts. It is open to all (surgeon, nurse, anesthesia, patient, etc) who have a surgical blog or article to submit. The deadline for submissions will be midnight on July 4th. Please submit your posts here.
A catalogue of all 24 editions of Season 1 is available. If you would like to host a future edition, please take a look at the schedule and contact Jeffrey. Thank you and have a good fortnight ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, this is a general comment, but this whole hobby/profession link is fascinating - as my BFF is a radiologist, and her #1 hobby is photography. Hobbies for most provide relief and change - but not for y'all. Fascinating, indeed.


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