Updated 3/2017-- photos and all links removed as many no longer active.
Taking a cue from the media, I'm going to preview a few blogs for the next SurgeXperience (117 to be posted here on March 16th). If you have a surgery related post, you are encouraged to submit it here! Thank you for doing so.
The first one I wish to bring to your attention is Lisa and her blog, The Cushing's Disease Journey. I won't link to the specific post she submitted, but please check out her blog. She started her blog back in October 2006 and has shared her journey and information about Cushing's Disease along the way. The blog is well written and very worthy of your time to check it out. It is also interesting to see things from the patient's viewpoint. She even shares her scans with us.
it will be a nice build up. looking forward. :)