
Monday, July 2, 2007

Fireworks Safety

 Updated 3/2017-- photos and all links (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active.

I love watching fireworks explode and light up the night sky. I do not like to take care of the injuries that they can cause. So please use the following tips to keep yourself and your children safe this July 4th (or consider leaving the fireworks to the experts and just enjoy the show), photo credit :
  • Never allow children to play with or ignite fireworks.

  • Read and follow all warnings and instructions.

  • Fireworks should be unpacked from any paper packing out-of-doors and away from any open flames.

  • Be sure other people are out-of-range before lighting fireworks. Small children should be kept a safe distance from the fireworks; older children that use fireworks need to be carefully supervised.

  • Do not smoke when handling any type of "live" firecracker, rocket, or aerial display.

  • Keep all fireworks away from any flammable liquids, dry grassy areas, or open bonfires.

  • Keep a bucket of water or working garden hose nearby in case of a malfunction or fire.

  • Take note of any sudden wind change that could cause sparks or debris to fall on a car, house, or person.

  • Never attempt to pick up and relight a "fizzled" firework device that has failed to light or "go off"

  • Do not use any aluminum or metal soda/beer can or glass bottle to stage or hold fireworks before lighting.

  • Do not use any tightly closed container for these lighted devices to add to the exploding effect or to increase noise.

  • Never attempt to make your own exploding device from raw gunpowder or similar flammable substance. The results are too unpredictable.

  • Never use mail-order fireworks kits. These do-it-yourself kits are simply unsafe.

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