
Saturday, July 7, 2007

Baby Quilts and Books

Updated 3/2017-- photos and all links (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active.

This is a baby quilt I just finished for a great-niece (and her mother is 21 yo, tells you how old I am getting to be). I like to make baby quilts. I like for them to be colorful and interactive in some way. For this one I found a panel for a fabric book and made a quilt out of it. So the squares are the pages of the book. There are the primary colors--red, yellow, green, and blue. There are animals to count. There are the words of the book which are actually a song (Old friend Noah had an ark, eieio and on his ark he had ...). I like for my baby quilts to get used, so hopefully this one will encourage the mother (or aunts, etc) to get down on the floor with the baby/toddler and teach (while playing) the colors, animals, basic counting, etc

I love books. I love reading. I enjoyed reading to my younger brothers. I hope I can pass it along to at least a few people. I agree with Sean Connery who said when he won the AFI 34th Annual Life Achievement Award that "My big break was when I was 5 years old. You see at 5, I learned to read." Being literate is a wonderful gift.

First Book is an organization that puts new books into the hands of children in need.
Laura Bush Foundation provides schools with grants of up to $5,000 to expand, update and diversify their library book collections.
Lullalee Productions has donated books, services and other accessories to the following organizations such as I AM Foundation and Shriners Hospital.

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